This amazing MINI HOUSE (Tiny House) of only 15 m², is minimalist and is also made mostly of natural materials. The 'tiny house' movement, like minimalism, seeks to reduce consumerism, rethink how much is enough and at the same time, take care of the environment. Do we really need to have a huge house and fill it with things we don't use? Is it worth having a big mortgage just to live in a bigger and more luxurious house than our neighbor's? Tiny houses are another alternative for people looking to live a simpler life without so many things. If you like minimalism, small houses, sustainable living and helping the planet, then you can't miss this video. ???? Download The FREE 30-Day Minimalism Guide To Simplify Your Space: https://jorgenavarro.podia.com/guia-d... If you would like to see more videos about minimalism, you can do so by clicking on this link: • MINIMALISM If you would like to see more videos about minimalist houses, you can do so here: • TOUR OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS - MINIM... If you would like to see more videos about zero waste, you can do so here: • ZERO WASTE