Need a machine that welds aluminum? Come and discover the ALUTIG 200 AC/DC! Durable, technological and very powerful. The TIG DC High Frequency welding inverter from Boxer Soldas! With the capacity to work ALL DAY, this machine operates quietly for hours at 147 Amps without stopping. Want to learn more about our aluminum welding machine? 00:00 INTRO 02:30 ACCESSORIES 03:45 SUPPLIES 07:26 INSTALLATION 07:45 PANEL 13:34 CONNECTIONS/INSTALLATION 14:42 TUNGSTEN ELECTRODES 15:54 ELECTRODE SHARPENING 16:22 WELDING TEST 18:00 PRACTICAL TEST 21:46 COATED ELECTRODE INSTALLATION 22:41 COATED ELECTRODE PRACTICAL TEST 22:57 TIG WELDING ON A MOTORCYCLE 24:33 FINAL ====================================================== Instagram ➡ / boxersoldas ===================================================== Website ➡ https://boxersoldas.com.br/ ================================================================= SAC ➡ https://bit.ly/3zC3Ean ================================================================= #alutig200 #soldaaluminio #maquinaquesoldaaluminio #boxersoldas #solda #eletrodorevestido #welding #mma #tig