The Holy Quran is a mercy and healing for believers sent down to us by the Almighty Allah, holy is he great. There is a surah in the Quran that helps to get rid of stress with the permission of Allah, from stress from work, from creating and running a business, today we will talk about this surah, as well as the history of its sending down with the permission of Allah. And we will also give some advice on how to get rid of stress with the permission of Allah! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ For those who want to help the development of the project, you can transfer any amount convenient for you, in the most convenient way for you, this will allow you to release videos more often, as well as improve their quality, with the permission of Allah: 💳 Sberbank card 4276 6410 0195 2506 💳 Tinkoff card 5536 9141 2554 3169 🌎 DonationAlerts https://www.donationalerts.com/c/dawa... 🌎 YuMoney (Yandex money) https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100116678100522 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Quran #Islam #Allah #DawahMedia