All day digging, scooping and fishing in the river that was starting to dry up and we managed to catch hundreds of fish. We tried to repeat our childhood by taking advantage of the dry season that caused many streams to start to dry up. We would dig, scoop and fish here. Starting from digging in the puddle of water under the wood that was the nest of ornamental fish, we managed to get a lot of ornamental fish here, there were hundreds of Bumblebee gobies, snakehead fish, shrimp and many more that we got from digging under this wood. Then we continued digging in the river and got seluang fish, shrimp and also catfish that were drying up that I found when I digged the river. Finally I tried fishing and managed to get a lot of fish too. The ornamental fish that we got I immediately put into the aquarium, it turned out that the Bumblebee gobies caught in nature were very beautiful to put in the aquarium. I put some of these Bumblebee gobies into the monster fish pond and some of the others remained in the aquarium.