Hello, dear friends and guests of the Znat Polezno channel. Today we present to your attention an INFORMATIVE video on the topic of engines. This time I decided to raise the topic of engine overheating and tell you about everything in detail. Namely: why engine overheating occurs, the consequences of overheating, and what to do if the engine boils over. You will also learn about the consequences of engine overheating and how to avoid them! Friends, rate the video with a like or dislike. Share the video with your friends, I appreciate your contribution to the development of the channel! Thank you! I recommend watching other videos from this series: ___________________________________________ Stop! This is how you kill a turbocharged engine in cold weather! Never do this! • Stop! This is how you kill a turbo... Where and why does antifreeze go? Top 5 reasons for antifreeze leakage! • Where and why does antifreeze go? Top 5 ... Do I need to change the antifreeze and how often should I do it? This is important!!! • Do I need to change the antifreeze and how often ... TOP 6 signs that it's time to change the timing belt! Recognizing timing belt wear! • TOP 6 signs that the timing belt ... TOP 7 myths about diesel engines! Destroying stupid stereotypes! • TOP 7 myths about diesel engines! Resolv... TOP 6 engine life hacks + BONUS! You didn't know about this! • TOP 6 engine life hacks + BONUS! Re...