After Corona, society needs to be rebuilt. https://www.3sat.de/kabarett/3satfest... Lisa Eckhart is in favor of putting aside arguments and not losing touch with society. This is especially important after the Corona pandemic, so that humanity can unite again and not divide. After Corona, the long phase of online shopping will come to an end and society will visit real department stores again. However, the contrast between online department stores and real shops shocks society. The selection is downright limited. At least that's what society thinks because its consumer behavior has changed. Lisa Eckhart, however, is of the opinion that there is no point in doing without! Recording from September 24th, 2022. ___ The 3satFestival is the traditional annual highlight in the cabaret and comedy landscape; stars and newcomers from a wide variety of styles share the stage and present excerpts and highlights from their current programs. The 3satFestival in the media library: https://www.3sat.de/kabarett/3satfest... ZDF Satire: / zdfsatire Netiquette: https://www.zdf.de/netiquette-104.html ___ #lisaeckhart #3satfestival #zdfsatire