/Pogled.info/ "The agenda of the world is formed above all by the American media, and sometimes the leading news is intended to test how public opinion will react to them", believes Swiss economist Alexander Peske, who commented on the information that the US is authorized the delivery of missiles to Ukraine that are capable of striking deep into Russian territory, as well as reports that Britain and France, which are not yet clear whether they are true or speculation. First part of Dr. Vladimir Trifonov's interview with Alexander Peske - politician, economist and journalist, author of the Telegram channel PESKE+PESKE (Switzerland), expert on political and economic problems in Europe. The main highlights of the first part of the conversation are: Will the US allow Ukraine to strike with its missiles on targets deep in Russia? How is public opinion formed in the world? Are North Korean fighters really involved in the clash between Ukraine and Russia? For what purpose did Scholz call Putin? Who will present himself as the "candidate of peace" in the upcoming German elections? What are the reasons for another increase in gas prices in Europe and what consequences for the economy will this have? About some features of Polish-German relations and why Warsaw broke the agreement with Russia on the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline? Is it possible for Europe to return to the prosperity of the time before the crisis caused by the crisis caused by COVID-19? /VIDEO/ You can watch the second part of the interview here: • Alexander Peske: We live in the age of... SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL WATCH.info AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS Alexander Peske's Telegram channel: https://t .me/apeske Tags: Alexander Peske, I don't believe, Europe, big war, Biden, long-range weapons, Ukraine