From the Series - The Rio Grande that I Like. Alejandro Brittes invites the singer from Rio Grande do Sul, Marco Aurélio Vasnconcellos, an icon of Rio Grande do Sul, to record the most famous song sung by the interpreter - Entardecer - written by Ewerton Ferreira and Antônio Augusto Ferreira Technical Details Music: Entardecer (Ewerton Ferreira and Antônio Augusto Ferreira) Seven-string guitar: André Ely Double bass: Carlos Eduardo de Césaro Voice: Marco Aurélio Vasconcellos Arrangements: BrittesElyDe Césaro Recording: Estúdio K30 Mix and Mastering: Luciano Vargas Production: Magali de Rossi #músicagaúcho #alejandrobrittes #folkmusic #accordion @ewertonf @magaliderossi3815 @estudiok3036