"Al Chadiri News" turns on the stage lights and invites viewers to a two-hour escapade in the vehicle of satire. Lakis Lazopoulos breaks his satirical silence and brings "Al Tsadiri News" to today. With him live on stage artists who have been associated with the legendary show over the years and with the help of artificial intelligence, the characters that sprung from his own penetrating pen, the unsurpassed "Mitsoi"! In the renewed "Al Tsadiri News", Lakis Lazopoulos listens, as always, to the pulse of society and is in tune with the speed of the era, which is dominated by the internet and social media. Faithful to the belief that satire is free and therefore disturbing, Lakis Lazopoulos returns with the aim of serving this popular and influential genre, which few know as well as he does.