In passive houses one of the most important factors is the airtightness of the house. It is useless to put good thermal insulation if we have uncontrolled air circulation inside the house. I am making this series of videos because now there is a boom in aerothermal energy, solar panels and very expensive machines. I already made clear what I think about aerothermal energy in this video: • AEROTHERMAL is not the best option... Since there was a boom in wood boilers, then pellets, now aerothermal energy with solar panels, many people invest large amounts of money to save KW in heating or cooling. I think it is better to insulate the house well, take into account thermal bridges, airtightness and all these points that we have discussed in order not to need so many KW of heat energy. If you are interested, I suggest you see how we lose heat at home: • ???? Without THERMAL INSULATORS, we throw away ... What I think about the energy certificate: • Energy Certificate of Houses - Ref... And the most important thing is that you can see all the videos in this playlist: • Thermal insulators for houses To see types of thermal insulators and some useful tips, I have written a very detailed article on the website: https://autopromotor.info/aislantes-t... And if you are building a house or are interested in these topics, subscribe to autopromotor info.