Our documentary follows the maiden voyage of the cruise ship AIDAprima from the Japanese Mitsubishi shipyard to its home port in Hamburg, 10,000 nautical miles away. The ship, which can be used all year round, is a true ocean giant at 300 meters long, and its completion has already taken longer than planned. Did everything go smoothly during the dress rehearsal before the ship's christening in May 2016? Our reports & documentaries http://bit.ly/WELTdokus Subscribe to the WELT YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/WeltVideoTVabo The top news on WELT.de http://bit.ly/2rQQD9Q The media library on WELT.de http://bit.ly/2Iydxv8 The WELT news livestream http://bit.ly/2fwuMPg Visit us on Instagram http://bit.ly/2X1M7Hk #AIDAprima #Cruise #Documentary