Watch the video about the agrarian reform policy in Brazil. Learn about its history, as well as the social movements that resulted from this process. Want to know more about the topic? Brasil Escola Reforma Agrária - http://brasilescola.com/sociologia/re... What is Agrarian Reform? - http://brasilescola.com/o-que-e/geogr... Geography - http://brasilescola.com/geografia/ Mundo Educação Agrarian Reform - http://mundoeducacao.com/geografia/re... Exercises on Agrarian Reform - http://exercicios.mundoeducacao.com.b... Geography - http://mundoeducacao.com/geografia Online Students Agrarian Reform - http://alunosonline.com.br/geografia/... Geography - http://alunosonline.com.br/geografia Kids School Agrarian Reform - http://escolakids.com/geografia/refor... Geography - http://escolakids.com/geografia/ Follow us: Brasil Escola: http://www.brasilescola.com/ Facebook: / brasilescola Instagram: / brasilescolaoficial #Enem #BrasilEscola #Geografia