Nanang Irawan, also known as Nanang Gimbal, the murderer of actor Sandy Permana, was successfully arrested by the police on Wednesday (15/1/2025). He has been named a suspect in the murder case. Before fleeing to Karawang, it was revealed that Nanang had tried to remove evidence in the form of a knife he used to stab Sandy Permana. In addition, Nanang also tried to deceive officers by changing his appearance while on the run. Let's Subscribe / @officialsindonews Read more at: https://nasional.sindonews.com/ Air Date: January 16, 2025 Follow WA Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9l... Follow our Official TikTok sindonews Follow our Official Twitter officialinews_ Like our Official Facebook officialinews Follow our Official Instagram officialinews Get news and live coverage of the latest events quickly and accurately at: https://www.inews.id/ for news from regions throughout Indonesia https://www.okezone.com/ for sports and lifestyle news https://www.sindonews.com/ for domestic and foreign political news https://www.idxchannel.com/ for stock market and economic news #SandyPermana #NanangGimbal