Viktor Orbán returned from India and gave an interview on Kossuth Radio this morning. According to him, the inclusion of Antal Rogán on the sanctions list has strengthened the minister's position to an unprecedented extent and shows that he is doing his job well. The guests of Egyenes Beszéd are Ildikó Csuhaj, senior staff member of ATV, and Zoltán Novák, analyst of the Éltányosság Political Analysis Center. ❗The independent YouTube channel of our program Weekly Diary with András Sváby has been launched, which will feature the latest content as well as archive reports! SUBSCRIBE: / @hetinaplo ❗ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/uo2kim VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://www.atv.hu FACEBOOK: / atv.hu INSTAGRAM: / atv_magyarorszag #atv #atvmagyarorszag #egyenesbeszed Please support us so that we can create more similar content! ATV-Gondolat Sign for Objective News Service Foundation Bank account number: 10300002-20252278-00003285