Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda: Souls are conscripted soldiers. Whatever he knew, he became acquainted. And what is denied of it is different. “Ruh-ruh itu bagaikan pasukan yang dihimpun dalam kesatuan. It is also possible to save men's hair when it comes to life. That yang saling merasa asing di antara mereka maka akan berpisah.” (HR. Muslim 6376) Al-Khoththobi rahimahullah berkata: On the meaning of similarity in good and evil, righteousness and corruption, and that the good among people longs for his likeness and the evil likewise inclines towards his like, so the acquaintance of souls occurs according to the natures with which they were created of good and evil, so if they agree they will get to know each other. “This is when we are faced with a decision in the right direction and the right path is clear and comprehensive. And the human nature that is like a ring of fire (like a tug), and the like and similarity that is like a ring of fire are made by the same tug. Para ruh akan saling mengenal, sehingga akan hinggap sesuai dengan tabiat yang telah diciptakan di atasnya dari kebaikannya maupun kejelekannya, maka apabila telah cocok maka akan saling mengenal, and apabila beberbeda maka akan saling mengingkari.” (No. akan cinta This is the same as the semi-salary and akan merasa condong kepadanya. • There is a lot of people who want to know what to do in this place, where there is a lot of money, and where to stay and what to do.. • What to do here and what you want to do with what you are looking for and what you want in the apartment. I want to set myself up and talk about it. Qatadah rahimahullah berkata: “Sesungguhnya kami, demi God pernah pernah melihat seseorang menjadikan teman buat dirinya kecuali yang memang menyerupai dia maka bertemanlah dengan-orang yang shalih dari hamba-hamba Allah agar kamu digolongkan dengan mereka atau menjadi seperti just.” (Al Ibanah 2/477 no. 500) ____________________ Penyusun Abdullah bin Suyitno (Abdullah bin Saiten) Date 1 Rabiul Tsani 1440 H / 9 December 2018 ___________________________ DONASI UNTUK VIDEO DAKWAH SHAHIHFIQIH . You can use this video to share the video with your favorite video. Saat ini masih ada ribuan video fatwa ulama Ahlussunnah wal Jamaa'ah yang belum kami produksi. In syaa Allah kami akan berusaha terus memproduksinya. bi'idznillah. . INFAQ DONASI 5142659530 BSI (451) An. Bayu Yudho A Konfirmasi klik: wa.me/6281380080074 ______________________________ Web: shahihfiqih.com Telegram: @shahihfiqih - bit.ly/1S3K8sW Instagram: Instagram.com/ShahihFiqih Youtube: /shahihfiqih Twitter: twitter.com/shahihfiqih Facebook: facebook.com/shahihfiqih Nasihat untuk Istiqomah di Atas Jalan yang Lurus - Syaikh Sulaiman Ar-Ruhaily #nasehatulama