Live broadcast about how psychotherapy works with ADHD in the absence of drug treatment. 4:13 What is ADHD, three groups of symptoms 11:37 Diagnostic symptoms of ADHD (DSM-5) 19:25 Gender differences 22:22 What mental disorders does it often overlap with 26:20 Life's difficulties 28:03 Directions of psychotherapy, which are better/worse suited? 34:05 Which directions are the most effective? 44:40 Psychotherapy. Analysis of the situation using Nikita as an example 59:45 Psychotherapy. What to focus on? 1:21:53 What can you expect from psychotherapy? 1:24:41 If there are concomitant problems/disorders 1:26:33 Group or individual therapy? 1:29:36 Difficulties in ADHD therapy 1:32:30 Answers to questions Many thanks to Jaroslav for compiling the timing of the video! You can download the presentation at this link https://yadi.sk/i/cZcCrHd7BswphA