English: HIGH ABILITY AND AUTISM Course / Double exceptionality strengths: https://www.mamavaliente.es/tienda/al... Full article with BIBLIOGRAPHY and BOOKS: https://www.mamavaliente.es/2024/03/0... I send emails on Tuesdays here: https://bit.ly/correodebea I don't use this messaging anymore, but that shouldn't be a problem. I have made a link with my contact (I like the email better), frequently asked questions, resources and ways to answer you. You have it here: https://bit.ly/mamavaliente Or follow me on Instagram: / soymamavali. . Course for Sensitive and Capable Women: https://www.mamavaliente.es/tienda/se... Book Highly Sensitive Children: https://www.mamavaliente.es/libro/ Thank you for being open-minded, Bea Sánchez