Acts 15 – the Council of Jerusalem – is the most misunderstood chapter in the Bible, along with Mark 7. How can we understand the imposition of some Jews and Pharisees who believed in Yeshua to circumcise the Gentiles, believing that this would be a requirement for salvation? The understanding that someone must convert to Judaism through a procedure created by men (with a clear explanation by several Jewish sages in the Talmud Yevamot) comes from the notion that all Israel has a place in the world to come (M. Sanhedrin 10.1). The apostle Shimon Kefa (Peter) explains how this is contrary to God's teachings. The apostles then decide to impose 4 prohibitions on the Gentiles: things consecrated to idols, eating blood, strangled animals and sexual immorality. But what about the others, which are central, such as not killing, not stealing, not committing adultery, not lying, etc. What is the meaning of these 4 prohibitions? Finally, in James's speech (Yaakov, Yeshua's brother), he explains the reason for these four prohibitions and quotes the Prophet Amos 9:11-12, a prophecy in which God will restore the Kingdom of Israel, composed of Jews and non-Jews. This video shows the Jewish-Messianic interpretation of this chapter, which is so misinterpreted and wrongly taught in Christian congregations due to a lack of knowledge of the Old Testament and the Jewish context of the first century. In this short video, you will receive an explanation that is very different from what any pastor has ever given. Instagram essencia_judaica_nt www.ejnt.com.br On my website, I offer material and courses for those who are interested in learning about the apostolic scriptures (New Testament) in the Jewish context of the first century, since all the teachings can only be understood within the Judaism of the time.