Lecture by Dr. Piotr Chrząstowski-Wachtel, Discovery Day of the Ochota UW Campus, March 16, 2019 [0h50min] During a lecture recorded during the Discovery Day of the Ochota UW Campus, Dr. Piotr Chrząstowski-Wachtel describes paradoxes and explains how they arose. https://wszechnica.org.pl/wyklad/o-pr... In logic, paradoxes are defined as statements that are surprising or lead to contradictory conclusions. However, before the speaker moves on to discussing such, he describes common ones that are not such in science. These include the paradoxes of the arrow and Achilles and the tortoise, which were formulated by Zeno of Elea, who lived in the 5th century BC, concerning time and space. In addition, the lecturer includes the twin paradox, the St. Petersburg paradox, and Bernoulli's game in this group. In the main part of the presentation, Dr. Chrząstowski-Wachtel explains why paradoxes arise in the first place. Then he discusses the most famous ones. These include Roussell's antinomy (the barber's paradox) and the similar paradoxes of the liar or all sets. In addition, he considers whether God can be simultaneously omnipotent and almighty, and describes the dispute between Protagoras and Euathlus. Dr. Piotr Chrząstowski-Wachtel - mathematician and computer scientist, works at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw Find us: / Wszechnicafww / Wszechnicafww1 https://anchor.fm/wszechnicaorgpl---h... https://anchor.fm/wszechnica-fww-nauka https://wszechnica.org.pl/ #doko #matematyka #paradox #paradoksy