Recording of the conversation from 4.07.2020 Narcissism: how big a problem is it in Poland? How many people show narcissistic tendencies, what are the causes, risks associated with it and methods of therapy? Can you arrange your life with a narcissist (woman or man)? How to recognize a narcissistic personality? What does manipulation in a relationship look like? Michał Poklękowski talks about all this with a certified relationship coach Magdalena Adamowicz from Warsaw. OFFICIAL ESKA ROCK WEBSITE: http://www.eskarock.pl/ FACEBOOK OF THE DROGOWSKAZY RADIO: / drogowskazy-eska-rock-107526450941465 FACEBOOK ESKA ROCK: / eskarock INSTAGRAM: / eska_rock #Drogowskazy #EskaROCK #narcissist #narcissism #manipulation #relationship #health #psychology #psychologist