Sign up for Fornalha Tour Brasil! ???????????????? https://dunamismovement.com/fornalha-... Abba - Laura Souguellis // Fornalha Dunamis - March 2015 Subscribe to the channel: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis Watch the Dunamis Music playlist : https://onilnk.com/r/DunamisMusic_Nad... ___ Aba (Abba) - Lyrics You're more real than the ground I walk on You're more real than the air in my lungs Your thoughts define me You're everything to me You're the my reality Aba, I belong to You You are closer than the song on my lips You are closer than the skin on my bones Your thoughts define me You are everything to me You are my reality Aba, I belong to You Composer: Jonathan David Helser ___ DUNAMIS MOVEMENT is a Christian, para-church movement whose focus is sustainable revival. We seek to AWAKEN a generation so that it can ESTABLISH the Culture of the Kingdom of God on Earth and thus TRANSFORM the society around it. ___ ∎ Social Networks ∎ INSTAGRAM / dunamismovement / laurasouguellis / dunamis.music ___ Other songs from Dunamis Music: Defensor: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_Defensor Esperança: https://onilnk.com/r/DunamisMusic_Esp... - Missionary Hymn: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_HinoDoMi... - Existe Um Olhar: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_ExisteUm... Another in the Fornalha: https://onilnk. com/r/Dunamis_OutroNaF... - Voz Forte: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_ForteVoz - Feliz Em Teus Arms: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_FelizEmT... - Everything is For Your Glory + Overflow in Your Love: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_TudoePra... God Is Faithful: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_DeuseFiel - Because He Lives: https://onilnk.com /r/Dunamis_PodeEl... - Faz Chover: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_FazChover - Rei Em Meu Coração: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_ReiEmMeu... - Estações: https: //onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_Estacoes - Our Friend: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_ NossoAmigo_ - Love Song: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_CancaoDe... - My Fortress: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_MinhaFor... Watch the Dunamis Music playlist: https://onilnk.com/r/Dunamis_VeiooTeu... Subscribe to the channel: https://onilnk.com/r/ Dunamis ___ #DunamisMusic #LauraSouguellis #Abba #DunamisMovement