The long-awaited TRIP goods have arrived! ✨It was fun to open😊 All the Ensemble Stars goods are cute, so I end up spending a lot of money every time, but if I think that these 💰 will be used for my favorite, I can get cute goods and contribute to the official cause! Kill two birds with one stone! Right (*^^*)✨ ・There's quite a lot of rustling noise💦Sorry ・I've been calling the luggage charm the luggage charm all this time, but please don't mind🙇⤵︎ I'd be happy if you could watch it to kill time😊 #oshikatsu #EnsembleStars #EnsembleStars #unboxing #goods #introduction #goodsunboxing #unboxingvideo #trip #goodsinfo #oshi #tinbadge #sashatts