▼ [200 machines in operation at GiGOs nationwide] Play the punching machine and participate in the national rankings! https://bit.ly/4fey7ih ▼[Up to 15% OFF] BD14 venue tickets (with raffle ticket to win a bib worn by a player) are here: https://bit.ly/40DOIHE ▼[500 yen OFF] Discounted BD14 advance PPV tickets are here: https://bit.ly/4fvMEGx ▼Purchase Silk the Rich shampoo here: https://silktherich.com/lp?u=breaking... ▼Purchase PPV tickets for the movie "BLUE FIGHT" here: https://yoake-f.jp/bluefight ◯PPV release schedule ・November 19th (Tue) 20:30~ ・November 21st (Thu) 20:30~ ・November 23rd (Sat) 19:00~ ・December 9th (Mon) 20:30~ ▼BD14 volunteer recruitment is here: https://forms.gle/P4oLwdpxrWpMfiQU6 ▼Click here to apply for sponsorship and for more details: https://backstage.inc/breakingdown/sp ▼The official BreakingDown app will be releasing shocking, unreleased audition footage! https://breakingdownlive.page.link/dl3 ▼Apply for an official BreakingDown clipping here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1sMMA... ▼BreakingDown14 Main Sponsor SILK THE RICH: https://silktherich.com/lp?u=breaking... ▼BreakingDown14 Platinum Sponsor RBL: https://roland-bl.jp ▼BreakingDown14 Gold Sponsor Kengyoku: https://c-hance.co.jp/LP/DL/download_... ▼BreakingDown14 Gold Sponsor Gyogyo Gyo: https://gyogyogyo.store/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor Posting Technologies: https://postech.co.jp/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor INSTEP: https://instep.chat/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor HTF: https://htf.shop/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor Future Hair Growth Agent VO-VO-https://vovo-official.jp/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor HLBhttps://hlb.ink/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor PREWANhttps://prewan.co.jp/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor mr. stickhttps://mrstick.jp/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor Emertehttps://aimerte-clinic.com/aimerte/lp... ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor t-clinichttps://tclinic-official.com/ ▼BreakingDown14 Silver Sponsor The Scalphttps://tclinic-official.com/lp_scalp... ▼Japan Children's Support Associationhttps://npojcsa.com/ ▼Form for reporting illegal videos: https://forms.gle/wcw2GVADf9GLcqxc7 ※Breaking Down will work with each platform to combat and eradicate illegal videos. We will also take legal action against malicious illegal uploads.