Summary of a new Indian movie 2024 A young wife is brutally beaten by her husband, but she takes revenge on him in a malicious way that no one expected and drives the police crazy! Summary of a movie An investigation into a domestic violence case, and events escalate and the investigator discovers a dangerous secret in the case that she did not expect Movie name: - Do Patii 2024 - Summary of an Indian movie Movie type: - Indian thriller and suspense movie #Movie_Summary #Movie_Summaries #Indian_Movies #Indian_Movie_Summaries #Crime_Movies #Movie_Summary / Summary of a thriller and suspense movie #Movie_Summaries #Movie_Summary Indian movies / #Movies #Indian_Movie_Summary Indian movies 2024 #Masterpiece_Movie #movie #Summary_of_action_movies Mystery movies,,Investigation movies,,Summary of a drama movie Crime movies #Movie_Summary If you like the movie, don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel and activate the bell Because your support is important to us and you can follow us on all platforms / moohamedhamdii / moohamedhamdii / masterpiecefilm1 #Masterpiece_Film #Movie_Summaries #Foreign_Movies #Summaries_of_Movies #New_Foreign_Movies masterpiece film - Masterpiece Film This is a movie summaries channel. We summarize movies in the masterpiece, and that's why we called it Masterpiece Film. This is because if you are a movie lover, here you will see the strongest foreign movies summarized from all types: action movies, drama movies, horror movies, thriller and suspense movies, realistic movies in a simplified and abbreviated style for the most important events of the movie. The channel will grow with your support for us, and we hope you enjoy watching Korean movie summaries, Indian movie summaries, and science fiction movie summaries. You will see on our channel a horror movie summary, a drama movie summary, and a summary of movies. Answer me in Arabic. You will also find it with us Action movie summary and foreign movie summary. See you all.