Please Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel for more videos. A Long Drive in Cocody - Promenade dans les rues de Cocody, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Côte d Ivoire A very nice Town. A must visit! #Abidjan #IvoryCoast #Cocody Cocody, is a suburb of and one of the 10 urban communes of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. It is upmarket and has an abundance of mansions. Cocody is where most of the wealthy businesspeople, ambassadors, and other affluent people live in Abidjan. The Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny is located in Cocody. Cocody is a commune in the department of Abidjan located in Abidjan Nord. A residential commune, this area is known for the wealth of its inhabitants and the architecture of its houses, many of which are built in a so-called "colonial" style. The wealthiest classes of Ivorian society, as well as most expatriates and diplomats have made it their residence of choice. In the 2010s, however, some of these wealthy foreigners migrated further south of Abidjan, contributing to the development of new neighborhoods, now among the most densely populated, to the benefit of a certain decongestion of the municipality. #attoban #superrich #wealthy #abidjancity #adriveinabidjan #drivinginabidjan Copyright © Thermo Man.