The Christmas Dragon 2014 Movie Summary Our movie begins with a little girl named (Eden) who was celebrating the holiday with her family and was very happy with the gift they brought her. The next day, she goes out to play with her paper plane in the forest and she is happy and her family watches her happily. Until a group of the king's soldiers arrive to collect taxes from the people. When they ask her father to pay the taxes, he refuses because they steal the money and then ask him for more behind the king's back, who does not know anything about all the money they steal from these people. When he refuses to pay anything, the soldiers attack him and his wife and beat them up, and a fight breaks out between them, until (Eden) calls her father and runs to defend him after seeing this situation. At that moment, her father tells her to escape and surrenders to the soldiers who lock him up in the car and chase (Eden) because they decided to take them and sell them as slaves. Kanz Movies Channel: / @Miftah Al-Aql-Q9A New movie A movie in the fifties A movie summary Movie summaries Muhammad Tahir Al-Harraq Filmawi A movie in seconds A summary of a new movie channel Martial arts Martial arts Kung Fu Superhero A movie on Mars