Mirosław Romański talks about rail spalling, a characteristic damage that occurs as a result of use. Rail spalling visually resembles longitudinal abrasion of the running surface. It can most often be found in places where rail vehicles start and brake, i.e. in the vicinity of semaphores, but also in front of rail-road crossings. Spalling usually occurs on both rails. The phenomenon is the result of their melting by friction of the wheels rotating in place, which heat them to high temperatures. Damage caused in this way can be eliminated, depending on the scale of the damage, by local grinding of the rail head, applying a new layer by welding, and also in the case of serious damage, by replacing a section of the track. --------------------------------------------- ✅ If you are interested in receiving notifications about new films, please subscribe to the channel ???? Thanks to this, you will receive regular notifications about materials on this channel --------------------------------------------- ✅ IF YOU WANT TO SUGGEST A FILM TOPIC OR HAVE ANOTHER QUESTION, YOU CAN WRITE: ???? Contact: [email protected]