The fighting between Russia and Ukraine is still fierce. Russia has used 85 drones to attack all over Kyiv, Ukraine throughout the past night. Ukraine also used drones to attack the Russian oil refinery in "Rostov" until it was engulfed in fire. Follow the news channel TNN Channel 16 https://www.tnnthailand.com https://tv.trueid.net/live/tnn16 / tnn16 / tnnthailand / tnn16live / tnnthailand / tnn_online / tnnonline Line @TNNONLINE or click https://lin.ee/4fP2tltIo Keep up with the world, the economy, and every truth with TNN Channel 16, a news station that adheres to the principles of presenting news to the point, quickly, correctly, precisely, and impartially by a professional news team.