A detailed explanation of the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)



Published on Aug 31, 2021
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01:03 Characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)06:05 Complication with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Today, I will explain the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is commonly known as ADHD. I'm sure you've heard of it. "I've heard of people who are distracted and restless and can't sit in their chair, but doesn't that happen to everyone? Isn't there no disorder?" You may say this, but that's not the case. This time, I'd like to take a step further and explain this disorder. ■Characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)There are two major characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They are "distraction" and "hyperactivity/impulsivity". -DistractionIt is said that not being able to listen to a class to the end, not being able to maintain attention, being easily distracted by other things, forgetting things, etc. are due to the disorder of "distraction". -Hyperactivity/ImpulsivityResting, jumping to your feet, getting angry easily, getting depressed easily, buying things quickly, etc. Hyperactivity and impulsivity are less noticeable than distractibility, and may disappear when the child becomes an adult. Even with ADHD, if a girl is quiet, she may forget things, but she can sit and listen in class. Because she is quiet, she may be thought to be doing well, and not be diagnosed with ADHD, but in fact, she may not be able to keep up with the class and may be thinking about something else in her head. It is hard to imagine because her impulsivity and hyperactivity are calm, but various themes are going back and forth in her head. Even when she is talking, the topic goes back and forth, and you wonder, "What is going on in this person's head?" It is not that she jumps between topics because she is talkative, but there are many people who jump between topics slowly. Normally, things are organized logically in their heads. Even if she sometimes gets out of order in her speech, as you listen to her, you gradually begin to see the logic behind what she is saying. However, people with ADHD jump around in topics, and rather than seeing logic, you see the movement of molecules in a gas. How is this visualized? In the "house." When you are a little lost, you ask, "What is it like in the house?" So, in the house of a person with ADHD, it feels like you don't know where anything is, there are bags of sweets and candy in the dresser, and it's confusing. Their schedules are also messy. Usually, the time to go to bed and wake up is roughly set, and what to do from Monday to Friday is roughly set. In the worst case scenario, even Saturday and Sunday are set, and it will be almost the same a year or two later. However, people with ADHD have messy schedules and may not know what to do next. They are also told, "On the contrary, isn't that the fun?" They say, "A life with a set schedule is not interesting," "A well-organized place is not fun," and "Chaos is fun." For normal people, a life that is unpredictable is a no-go. It's unpleasant to have things too set, but it's also unpleasant to have too much chaos. But people with ADHD are used to it, and some of them like chaos. That's the image. If you only see ADHD as "forgetfulness" or "restlessness," you will lose sight of the true nature of ADHD. It is characterized by a lack of logical thinking, or even if there is, it is partial and there is no overall harmony. ■ Coexistence with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Another factor that makes it difficult to understand ADHD is the coexistence with "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)". Although ADHD and ASD are said to be separate diseases, there are many people who overlap these two elements. Therefore, even if they do not meet the diagnostic criteria for ASD, there are many people who have elements of ASD. For example, people who are not good at communication are also like that. They are not good at reading other people's feelings. ・People with ADHD who are not good at communication may appear to be good at talking and active at first glance, and it may not appear that they are not good at interpersonal relationships or communication. However, if you take a step further and observe the person, you may find that they are not good at communication and are always causing trouble such as fights. In essence, interpersonal understanding is flat and often lacks depth. ・Central binding ability (ability to abstract) Central binding ability is also weak. Central binding ability is the ability to abstract. For example, it is the ability to recognize that "this is also a dog" when looking at various kinds of dogs. It can also be called the ability to apply. It is about finding commonalities from individual phenomena and grasping them on an abstract level. Many people are not good at this. They are idea men, but because they lack the essence, their ideas are not very interesting. They think that strawberry daifuku is good because "the sweetness of daifuku and the sourness of strawberries go together," but many of their ideas are just vaguely connecting "something there and something there," which is typical of ADHD. - Many people do not understand "get that." They do not understand the "that" in "get that" or "do that." This is said to be due to a lack of communication skills to read the context before and after, and a lack of ability to abstract and realize that what is needed in the current situation is what is needed now. It's like having a child in an adult world. The adults around them may think, "That's fine, he's innocent," but for them it is very difficult, and they feel that "everyone can do more than I can." People with developmental disorders are desperately trying to work and keep up with the adult world, but in many cases they lose confidence because they can't keep up and think, "Maybe I'm no good." Working memory, processing speed Sometimes people have small working memory and slow processing speed. "Working memory" is the ability to remember things in an instant, and "processing speed" is the speed at which you can solve problems. For example, it's like a slow smartphone. It's like being the only one making a spreadsheet in Excel on your smartphone while everyone else is working on a dual-display desktop. This is the pain and trouble people with developmental disorders face. Working memory is also sometimes called a "workbench." Studying is easier if you have a large desk, but it's difficult to make progress on a small desk. If the cutting board in the kitchen is also small, it's difficult to make progress on your work. People with ADHD are "working slowly at a small desk." So they can lose a lot of confidence when people around them scold them for being slow. These are the symptoms and characteristics of ADHD. ---------- Explaining adult developmental disorders • Part 2, Chapter 1, Section 11 Explaining adult developmental disorders #Developmental disorders #Overview Developmental disorders and partners who are not (seemingly) in trouble • Developmental disorders and partners who are not (seemingly) in trouble #Psychiatry #Developmental disorders ... ---------- What is "Psychiatrists Explain Mental Illnesses Channel?" A wide range of psychiatric treatment-related topics are explained in an easy-to-understand manner for the general public. The use of psychoanalytic and philosophical terms in the video is entirely Masuda's own, and may differ from general (professional) definitions. I just chose the words that I happened to find easiest to explain, so I hope you don't take it too academically. Director of Waseda Mental Clinic Masuda Yusuke "Self-introduction" Masuda Yusuke graduated from the National Defense Medical College. After working for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces, the National Defense Medical College Hospital, and the Kunpu-kai Yamada Hospital, he opened a practice in Tokyo in 2018. His specialty is work-related depression and adult developmental disorders. That said, he is a bit of an eccentric local doctor who "sees everything." My hobbies are Shonen Jump and comedy. I want to go camping and skiing. I have been abstinent since June 5, 2020. [Reference] Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Everyone's Mental Health https://www.mhlw.go.jp/kokoro/ Kaplan Clinical Psychiatry Textbook 3rd Edition #Central binding ability #Impulsivity #Hyperactivity #Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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