#Abu_Tayeb_Al-Mutanabbi_and_Ibn_Jinni Ibn Jinni tries to besiege Al-Mutanabbi with tangible evidence but fails #Al-Mutanabbi_and_Kashajim A challenge about writing a verse that does not memorize At least I will get Cut off Carry Perhaps ask Prepare •••• Increase Hush Bash Please come closer Confidently Connect #Abu_Tayeb_Al-Mutanabbi_and_Sayf_Al-Dawla_Al-Hamdani Al-Mutanabbi challenges Sayf Al-Dawla Al-Hamdani The first meeting between Al-Mutanabbi and Sayf Al-Dawla Al-Hamdani #Al-Mutanabbi_and_Ibn_Khalawayh Challenged the giants of language in the Abbasid era Abu Tayeb Al-Mutanabbi and Ibn Khalawayh He was familiar with chivalry since he grew up, as if he ••• was given frankincense to drink from it as a breastfed boy