Short history of time by Stephen Hawking, told in chapters, with quotes. ▫️If you want donate me a coffee ☺️:https://ko-fi.com/cartiesentialepoves... 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:05:23 - Chapter 1 - Our picture of the Universe 00:25:36 - Chapter 2 - Space and time 00:51:42 - Chapter 3 - The expanding universe 01:06:26 - Chapter 4 - The uncertainty principle 01:15:38 - Chapter 5 - Elementary particles and forces of nature 01:27:54 - Chapter 6 - Black holes 01:40:17 - Chapter 7 - Black holes aren't so.. black 01:47:27 - Chapter 8 - The origin and fate of the Universe 02:06:54 - Chapter 9 - The meaning of time 02:14 :20 - Chapter 10 - The unification of physics 02:22:40 - Chapter 11 - Conclusions #cartiaudio #cartiinromana #scurtaistorieatimpului #stephenhawking #gaurilenegre #gauraneagra #teoriacorzilor #universulexplicat #audiobookromana #despreunivers #principiuldeincertitudine #origineauniversului