SUBSCRIBE to the channel - http://bit.ly/otaviouga Game of Thrones or GOT, the original series from the HBO cable TV channel and one of the most beloved series of today, is back with season 7. If you don't know it, I have a theory that it will be a good thing to know it. There is no arguing with facts. Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targeryen, Cersei and company are back. And if you already know it and are a fan, this review list with a summary and comments from Super Eight is now online, bringing 64 secrets and curiosities that you probably didn't know and now you will know so you can stay up to date and more familiar with the series by watching each episode of season 7. OTAVIO UGÁ: Social networks: @otaviouga BUSINESS CONTACT: [email protected]