The mysterious depths of the universe have always fascinated and fascinated humans. The night sky is home to billions of stars, planets, and galaxies, and as space exploration advances faster than ever, we are learning more about the cosmos. At the same time, these scientific discoveries have revealed that the universe also holds dangers for the people of Earth. The universe we live in can be dangerous to us in many ways, as various threats lurk among the distant stars. But what are black holes? A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing can escape due to its strong gravity. It is created when a finite mass is compressed into a volume smaller than a critical value in a process called gravitational collapse. The gravitational force that causes matter to contract becomes greater than all other material forces, and the matter is compressed into a single point. At this point, according to the general theory of relativity, certain physical quantities become infinite, and in the region of space surrounding the singularity, gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. A Black Hole Found Very Close to Earth Music: Mysterious Ambient Background Music - The Rake Peaceful Ambient Background Music - This Fascinating world 0:00 The dangers of the universe 0:44 What are black holes? 1:47 How many black holes are there in total? 2:28 What's inside a black hole? 3:08 Which was the first black hole? 3:48 How was it found? 4:06 What do you need to know about it? 6:06 How big is the biggest black hole? 6:56 The closest black hole to Earth 7:27 Are we in danger? #huniverzum #universum