Have you already read Se Liga's complete course for Enem and college entrance exams? Check it out: seliga.com.br Sign up to receive our exclusive content for free: https://lp.seliga.com.br/receba-conte... ABOUT THE CLASS: In this class, professor Daniel Gomes de Carvalho will discuss Kant's text What is Enlightenment/Enlightenment?, a recurring topic in all college entrance exams. Important notice: in addition to what we talk about here, other themes of the philosopher Kant also appear in ENEM (categorical imperatives, Copernican revolution, synthesis between rationalism and empiricism). To make your notes easier, the important points of the class are: 1: the role of philosophy in knowledge. 2: public use of reason (the moment when you disclose your clarification to a literate public) 3: private use of reason (the moment when your clarification, for various reasons, must remain private) [realize how, to make your knowledge public, it takes courage] 4: concept of autonomy/majority and heteronomy/minority 5: what prevents the population from becoming majority/autonomy? Why do we prefer minority/heteronomy? WANT MORE CLASSES? History of Brazil - https://goo.gl/WAbJOz History of the World - https://goo.gl/KSq3Qz Follow us on Instagram! / seliga_enem_e_vestibulares