The documentary A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF UMBANDA exposes the history of the Brazilian religion Umbanda and its practices. Through interviews with Umbanda supporters and scholars on the subject, the film unveils and demystifies the religion, founded in Rio de Janeiro in 1908 by Zélio Fernandino de Moraes, through the syncretization of beliefs of African, European and indigenous origin. UMBANDA: OFFERINGS OF FAITH is a feature-length documentary that examines the history of this syncretic religion, founded in Rio de Janeiro in 1908 by Zélio Fernandino de Moraes. The film features interviews with followers of Umbanda, scenes of their practices and rituals, and a historical exposition of the roots of the faith, making connections to the influences of African, European, and Indigenous beliefs. In addition to Umbanda priests, priestesses, and initiates, the film includes interviews with scholars in the fields of anthropology, sociology, and languages whose research focuses on mythology and religions of African origin.