Living in the village,, Rainy weather like this is the most delicious eating warm combro Location: 📌 Kp. Cihalimun - Mekarsari - Naringgul Kab. Cianjur - West Java Province - Indonesia Help spread every video link to Facebook, WA groups, etc. So that more people watch and of course I will be more enthusiastic about making videos visiting other areas. Thank you, greetings from my hometown and always be healthy for all of us. Aamiin Let's Donate For rural residents in need for the Elderly and orphans Through Account No.: 4035-01-030102-532 (BRI) A/N Yunus Bastaman No. HP/WA Admin: 085892164993 Other social media can also be followed: FACEBOOK FAGE / cianjurturunankidul YT / cianjurturunankidul TIKTOK / cianjurturunankidul INSAGRAM / cianjurturunankidul SNACKVIDEO https://www.snackvideo.com/@cianjurtu... THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, HOPEFULLY USEFUL #traditionallife #MorningActivities #BeautifulVillage #SundaVillage #cianjurturunankidul