Archangel METATRON 999 ⭐️ Activation of Golden Abundance🌟 Healing Light of Divinity Metatron's Cube. Activation of the Merkabah Light Body, Abundance and Universal Prosperity. Archangel Metatron is the most powerful of all the archangels as he contains the vibration of all the Archangels, all their gifts and powers. He is considered an illuminating angel, guardian of the Akashic records, and one of the angels who accompanies children and adolescents in the New Age. Archangel Metatron is the celestial instructor and a great master of knowledge with the mission of elevating us above the ego and walking on earth as true beings of light. Miraculous music to attract abundance, prosperity and money into your life. Angelic frequency of high positive energy vibration. 7 tips to ATTRACT ABUNDANCE and prosperity into your life. Where your attention is, is your intention. Dream big. Take care of your relationship with money. Look at the world from abundance. Be thankful! Do things that make you feel abundant. Clean your life of what you don't need. How to decree to attract money? 1. Harmonize your mind with this music To get a positive mindset you must free yourself from any ideas that get in your way. Relax and free yourself from any thoughts that bother you. 2. Be thankful for what you already have. One thing is to decree and another very different thing is to be greedy. It's amazing to value what you already have, so thank the universe for your belongings. 3. Ask for abundance for others It never hurts to think about your loved ones and people in general. Wish good things for them; by doing so, they will come back to you. 4. Visualize yourself Believe it. You deserve anything you want. In this case, why wouldn't you have abundance? Abundance and Prosperity 888 music to attract luck, law of attraction. Recommended listening: a minimum of one hour daily for a period of three weeks to three months, preferably at night 🎶 Have an excellent listening! 🎶 🙏 Blessings 🙏 😇✨ REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE to the channel to receive the new angelic music: / @luzdeangelmusica Music of Angels and Archangels for Spiritual Healing. Ward off Bad Energies. Heal the Soul You may also be interested in this music: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL HEALING: • 😇 ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. HEALING Music... ARCHANGEL MICHAEL PROTECTION: • 😇 DIVINE PROTECTION Music with ARCH... ATTRACT MIRACLES: • ATTRACT MIRACLES Music to CONNECT... ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL FORGIVENESS: • Archangel ZADKIEL music to forgive... VIOLET RAY: • VIOLET RAY of HEALING, LIBERATION... ARCHANGEL METATRON: • Archangel METATRON The Most Powerful Angel... ENERGY CLEANSING: • ENERGY CLEANSING RAISES the VIBRATION... SPIRITUAL GUIDES: • CONNECT with your SPIRITUAL GUIDES. M... ARCHANGEL JOFIEL: • 😇 ARCHANGEL JOFIEL. Beauty, Enlightenment... ABUNDANCE ARCHANGEL URIEL: • ARCHANGEL URIEL ABUNDANCE and PROSPER... VIBRATE HIGH: • MUSIC of ANGELS and ARCHANGELS for V... #ArchangelMetatron, #Frequency999Hz, #DivineAbundance THANK YOU! 🎶 Have an excellent listening! 🎶 🙏 Blessings 🙏 Music Publisher Copyright © Mystic Música (Ilde Irun). All rights reserved and protected by copyright laws and international treaties.