Hello. This is Youthful Dental TV. These days, implant-related content is being covered a lot in broadcast media, but what about implant side effects that no one talks about that were never covered on terrestrial or cable programs! Causes of failure and solutions? I filmed this video to give you honest information about implant-related content. In today's video, we'll talk about #implantsideeffects #causesofimplantfailure and how to deal with implant side effects. If you have any questions while watching the video, please leave a comment at any time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Kakao Talk: http://pf.kakao.com/_TXghE/chat • Phone consultation: 02-3482-2828 • Quick consultation: https://han.gl/mfGas • HOMEPAGE: http://dentalsalon.co.kr/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #implant #implantpain #maxillarysinuslift #dentist #implantbonegrafting #youngdentist #computeranalysisimplant