The barbecue is yours and you can cook it however you want, right? But there are some tips that will make your barbecue much better. Use the discount coupon: barbecues and get 20% off at the entire Grill Land store http://www.grillland.com.br Mistake #1: lighting the barbecue with chemicals such as gasoline, ethanol from gas stations, and plastic. This will contaminate your barbecue, impart flavor to the meat, and is also bad for your health. Mistake #2: putting the meat on to grill before the grill is red hot. Putting the meat on the grill when it is cold will cook it, toughen it up, and you won't be able to get it to the perfect point. Mistake #3: putting the meat on the grill while it is still frozen or very cold. The ideal is to let it rest until it reaches room temperature, that way you will get that perfect, juicy and tender point. Mistake #4: Salting the meat and leaving it for too long before putting it on the grill. You can even salt it and leave it for about 5 minutes before putting it on the grill. Any more than that and you will oversalt the meat. It will absorb too much salt and dehydrate, losing its juiciness and becoming dry. Mistake #5: Throwing water on the grill when it is on fire. Don't do this. Throwing water on it drastically lowers the temperature of the grill, can break the refractory materials and raise soot that will dirty your house and the meat. Lift the grill, stir the coals, and throw away the ashes from the last barbecue. Mistake #6: A dull knife will not only cause you to take out ugly pieces of meat, but when serving, the knife will press into the meat, taking away its juiciness. Mistake #7: When you are making sausage, never pierce it. If you pierce it, it will lose its liquid and become dry.