Understand some of the savings that are not significant for your personal finances! ????Books mentioned in the video: The Total Transformation of Your Money: https://amzn.to/3BTHemD The Psychology of Finance: https://amzn.to/3YBtvKS ????????Other Important Links???????? ????Financial Education Series: • Financial Education Miniseries ???? MY BEST VIDEOS: The Money Mindset Financial PSYCHOLOGY: • The MONEY Mindset: The PSYCHOLOGY... How to SAVE More Money with These Efficient Methods: • How to SAVE More Money With Personal Finance Techniques: • How to MANAGE Money With Personal Finance Techniques: • How to MANAGE and ORGANIZE Money... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Today I talked about false savings, pejoratively called dumb savings. Today's video was focused so that you don't make dumb savings, being the false savings that you shouldn't make or dumb savings that you shouldn't make, because these dumb savings that everyone makes end up worsening your quality of life, in addition to not having the expected financial result, there is no advantage in making such savings, so avoid dumb savings. But after all... How to avoid dumb savings? As I always say here on the channel, saving and learning how to save money is super important for your personal finances, which is why I always bring videos with savings tips, always talking about financial education here on the channel. However, there are stupid savings that you should not make, because false savings are not minimalism. To know if you are making stupid savings, review the real financial result you have with such savings to the detriment of your quality of life. Because if you are saving too much and significantly losing your quality of life, it is certainly not a smart savings and this is not part of basic financial education or personal finance. Welcome to your favorite finance channel, Manual da Evolução! Contact: [email protected]