I'm not blowing my nose now, it's been a few days since then. You can't use a Trabant like this without compromise on weekdays, that has to be said, in fact, there are a few other cars from the Eastern Bloc that the same is true for, e.g.: Barkas, Wartburg, Lada, Polski, Skoda, etc., I've had them all, and I even own a few at the moment. I know that there's no better heating than a Lada, but nostalgia sometimes outweighs rationality, and it's a cliché, but it's true that time beautifies memories. Here, we have to separate the Japanese and Western veterans, they're fine without a problem, you can drive them at most slower. However, I'll say that I haven't had any questions about reliability, because I know that it's fine, I have confidence in it, although with a car of this age, it's already quite important whether you dare to drive it at all or whether it simply stops on the side of the road on your way to work. Nevertheless, I was a little afraid of this, and two of my friends put me on alert for those difficult days, as a precaution, thankfully unnecessarily. Others spent decades in such socialist cars, I grew up in them too, without seat belts, child seats, passive and active safety gadgets, yet I am here, but I am glad that the world is changing. The video expresses my own opinion, about my own car. There will of course be a video about the Mercedes W 123 at some point, and the rims will eventually be put on the W124. TRABANT 601 596ccm 2 cylinder air cooling 2T 26 hp Háda Lóránt hadalori