The six paths of Pain possess overwhelming power, Nagato developed each path granted by the Rinnegan in an extraordinary and completely blind way, clearly showing himself to be a genius. The power that Nagato achieved with the six paths is so great, that even Konoha, the greatest power among the five great nations, was unable to do practically nothing in the face of this threat. ██████████████████████████ ???? WOULD GENJUTSU WORK ON ALL PAINS?: • IS ITACHI A COUNTER TO PAIN? GENJUTSU PO... ???? REACT CHANNEL: / @nacaonerdreact ???? MY EDITOR'S CHANNEL: / @grizsensei Strengthen the nation. ???? EMAIL: [email protected] ????SOCIAL MEDIA • TIKTOK: NERD NATION KWAI: NERD NATION INSTAGRAM: _NACAONERD ♦️SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL IF YOU LIKED THIS VIDEO! #manga #narutoshippuden #nagato #rinnegan #pain █▒▒▒▒▒▒█