Hi Everyone! In this safe space segment, we have Bli Bali who also studied far away in the nuclear country of Russia, who else if not Bli Turah Parthayana! In this video, Turah shares about how she started her career and why she chose Russia as her place to study, I also share my experience studying abroad too hahah. It turns out that the cost of living studying in Russia is cheaper than studying in my place in Melbourne😱 Are you curious about the video? Especially for those of you who want to study abroad? Come on, don't forget to watch the video until the end! #safespace #agathachelsea #turahparthayana #russiascholarship #chelseaturah _____________________________________________ My Links: Instagram: / agatha_chelsea Twitter: / agathachelsea18 Facebook: / agatha.chelsea.official Official Website: www.agathachelsea.com Business Inquiry: [email protected]