6 STEPS to Make a UNIQUE Architectural CONCEPT! + Examples Download the Included Worksheet: https://architectsground.ck.page/117e... As an architect, the minimum you must comply with is the function. But working on the concept at the same time as the design is difficult... because you are between meeting the project requirements and challenging the limits of what it can become... and that is where the creativity is! I promise that by the end of this video you will be able to take your projects to the next level... saving you a lot of hard work and headache. And for that I divided this video into 2 parts: thinking and doing. Do you want more videos like this? Tell me in the comments, thanks! See what I design here: Instagram → @ricardorodriguezh_ Tik Tok → @ricardorodriguez_h Contact for Consulting, Conferences and Workshops: [email protected] https://architectsground.com/about