I received a 50V rechargeable lawnmower from Komeri's own brand, Wobbuffet, so I immediately tried mowing the lawn! [PR] [Items used in the video] ・Uberman 50V lawn mower https://www.komeri.com/shop/g/j492050... ・Grass collection bag https://amzn.to/3ZVmsOt [List of things I'm glad I bought] https://www.amazon.co.jp/shop/wasabic... [Click here for the grass cutting channel] / @ninja-mowing [Subscribe to the channel here] https://www.youtube.com/c/WASABICHANN... [TikTok] https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSd2UWjN9/ [Twitter] / kuroiwa_wasabi [Instagram] / kuroiwa_wasabi [BLOG] https://azuminowasabi.com/blog/ [Wasabi-chan LINE stamps] https://line.me/S/sticker/9388324 #50Vrechargeablelawnmower #Uberman #Komeri #lawnmower #lawnmowing #UBERMANN [Table of contents] 0:00 Specifications and price 2:52 Charging the battery 3:39 Adjusting the handle and cutting height 4:26 Attaching the grass collection bag 5:32 The blade 6:45 Mowing the grass in Maru's garden 13:38 Battery level after mowing 200 square meters 14:44 Maru's impressions 15:54 About changing the blade 18:59 A surprisingly important point lol 19:09 [Bonus] Maru digging up potatoes 20:04 Mowing the long grass 24:59 Finishing up the first battery 28:06 Mowing the longest area 29:40 Mowing completed! Battery level, etc. 31:47 Points that were good after using it 33:27 Points that I felt were lacking