The factorial of a natural number is defined as the multiplication of all the numbers less than or equal to it, until reaching 1. With this definition, it is not very clear what 0 factorial could be, it would not make much sense, right? Because there is no sequence of numbers less than 0 until reaching 1. Well, in this video I am going to give you 5 reasons that indicate that, if the factorial of 0 is something, the most appropriate value is, without a doubt, the number 1. ►►SOME VIDEOS: ►SAGA OF INFINITY: • The Hotel Paradox With Infinite H... ►HOW ARE NUMBERS BUILT? ℕ, ℤ, ℚ, ℝ and ℂ. • Why are CIRCLE NUMBERS NECESSARY? ►4/π is the AVERAGE distance between two points on a CIRCUMFERENCE! • 4/π = Average Distance of Two Points and... ►Understanding the most beautiful equation: • The most BEAUTIFUL EXPRESSION in MATHEMATICS... ►How many squares are there on a chessboard? • How many SQUARES are there on a CHESSBOARD? ►Equations and fractals: • How to CREATE FRACTALS with POLYNOMIALS ...