Op. Dr. Ayşe Duman's Holistic Approach to Women's Health Many women who have vaginismus problems worry about how to solve this situation as quickly as possible. I have summarized it in 5 items for those who ask what to do to solve this situation as quickly as possible. 1) Change the picture your mind sees! 2) Do not use body-holding words in the knowledge of your restrictive past. (I can't do it, I can't succeed...) 3) Do not blame yourself for having such a problem! 4) Do not research how you can be treated, which treatment method will be, which one will suit you. Do not tire your mind by thinking about the treatment method of the specialist you have guided in this journey of change. 5) Take a step every day. Love You can also follow on Instagram! / drayseduman You can visit the website and get information about trainings. https://www.ayseduman.com/ You can visit https://www.hubladesign.com/ for your birth comfort. Phone: 0541 857 8594 / 0216 344 13 99 #OpDrAyseDuman #RediscoveryOfWomanship All that is said is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.