---------------------------------------------------------- The following video summarizes how to deal with problems when playing with MODs. Please check it out before posting in the comments section. • [HoI4] A video that everyone using MOD should see - What to do when you're in trouble... [Previous video] • [HoI4] Trying out Ukraine, which is normally unplayable [Slow commentary] [Next video] • [HoI4] First time playing a weak country that disappears in the blink of an eye [Slow commentary ---------------------------------------------------------- Filming environment [ver1.15.x] ---------------------------------------------------------- HoI4 playlists HoI4 complete summary [ • HoI4 ] HoI4 commentary course [ • HoI4 commentary course ] Development diary, update news [ • [HoI4] Development diary, update news ] Single-shot with MOD [ • [HoI4] Single-shot with MOD ] Vanilla play [ • [HoI4] Vanilla ] Despair save [ • [HoI4] Despair save ] PvP multiplayer [ • [HoI4] PvP multiplayer ] Eight years of resistance [ • [HoI4] Eight years of resistance ] Kaiserreich [ • 【HoI4】Kaiserreich】 Kaiserredux 【 • 【HoI4】Kaiserredux】 The Great War (+Redux) 【 • 【HoI4】The Great War (+Redux)】 The Road to 56 【 • 【HoI4】The Road to 56】 Fuhrerreich 【 • 【HoI4】Fuhrerreich】 Prefecture MOD 【 • 【HoI4】Prefecture MOD】 Thousand Week Reich [ • [HoI4]Thousand Week Reich] The New Order [ • [HoI4]The New Order] RedFlood [ • [HoI4]RedFlood] The Sun Shine on the World [ • [HoI4]The Sun Shine on the World] World Ablaze [ • [HoI4]World Ablaze] Cold War Iron Curtain [ • [HoI4]Cold War Iron Curtain] Pax Britanica [ • [HoI4] Pax Britanica 】 Millennium Dawn [ • 【HoI4】Millennium Dawn 】 Darkest Hour 【 • 【HoI4】Darkest Hour 】 Age of Imperialism 【 • 【HoI4】Age of Imperialism 】 Zero Hour 【 • 【HoI4】Zero Hour 】 ---------------------------------------------------------- MODs used Usefull mod 2 JLm Fonts Official Japanese Language fix Modifier Icons +JP: Modifier Icons HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Borders HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Water HOI4 - Texture Overhaul - Terrain Naval Reskin - Paint the Guns Coloured Buttons AAT Get Rid of Annoying Puppet's Troops Alternative Air Base Icons The specs of the computer and software used are listed in the channel description. #HeartsofIron4 #HoI4 #SlowLiveCommentary --------------------------------------------------------- Please note the following in the comments section.・Do not mention other video uploaders' names or use words that may lead them to associate them with others.・Please refrain from posting comments such as "BOOST said XX" in other videos or on social media (carrier pigeon behavior).・Do not slander (regardless of the target).・Do not get too close with other viewers.---------------------------------------------------------- Audio and image materials [/ @khaim] [ https://dova-s.jp/] [ https://soundeffect-lab.info/] [ https://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/] [ https://www.motionelements.com/ja/] [ https://pixabay.com/ja/] [ https://www.ac-illust.com/] ----------------------------------------------------------