A Holistic Approach to Women's Health with Op. Dr. Ayşe Duman Many people preparing for marriage have and continue to have fears of the first night. In fact, you can spend your first night much healthier and more beautiful with very simple formulas. 1) You do not have to live your first night on the first night. With all these, please do not think that it has to be the first night with a sense of duty, such as fatigue, a new beginning, a new environment. 2) Spend the first days discovering each other and their bodies, even your own body, yourself. Travel, talk, get to know each other, hold hands, understand and get to know each other. Do not rush to have dessert without digesting the main course. 3) If urban legends about the first night pollute your mind and tense your body, please try to get away from these thoughts before marriage and make an effort to learn the truth. 4) Having your first intercourse during the ovulation period will provide great comfort because the female body is much more eager and ready for sexual intercourse during the ovulation period. Again, due to the effect of the hormones during this period, the vagina is in a relaxed and expanded position. 5) If your menstrual period coincides with your honeymoon, do not try to postpone your period with some hormone medications. The medications you use can cause stress, tension, anger, and sexual reluctance. The best thing to do is to plan your wedding and honeymoon according to your menstrual cycle. You can also follow on Instagram! / You can visit the drayseduman website and get information about training. https://www.ayseduman.com/ You can visit https://www.hubladesign.com/ for your birth comfort. Phone: 0541 857 8594 / 0216 344 13 99 #OpDrAyseDuman #RediscoveryOfWoman All of the above is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.