The Korowai tribe, which lives deep in the world's third largest rainforest, Papua, has attracted the attention of anthropologists and researchers for decades with its lifestyle, social traditions, religious beliefs and eating human flesh. Although their customs and understanding of the world have not been adequately studied due to the difficulty of reaching the depths of the forests and habitat, some of the studies conducted on them in the international media have identified them as the last tribe to eat human flesh. Rudaw is the only media outlet in the Middle East to have gone to the region and prepared a documentary about the tribe. Presented by: Roj Ali Zala Photography and Direction: Bayar Hakim Production Year 2023 Eşîra Korowai is about the seventh century story of Papua, Indonesia civakî, baweriyên olî û xwarina goştê mirovan bala anthropolog û lêkolîneran dikişîne. Tevi ku ji ber dijwariya gihîştina bo nav kurahiya daristanan û cihe jiyana Korowayiyan, bi tera xwe lêkolîn li ser kevneşopî û têgihîştina wan bo cîhanê nehatiye kirin, le hin lêkolîn ku di medyaya cîhanê de li ser wan hatine kirin, wan weke eşîra herî dawî ku goştê mirovan dixwin, didin nasîn. Rûdaw weke yekane medyaya Rojhilata Navin çûye wê herêmê û Belgefilmek li ser êşîrê amade kiriye. Player: Roj Eli Zalla Dimensions: Beyar Hekim Berhema Sala